Prune your (growth)

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From: Vertiginous Horticulture

They are growing nicely, but you can see a few dead branches and overgrown stems. Cut them away – carefully.

Unlocked with Rooftop Growth, Classification: Plantae, Nurturing a Rooftop Growth 1-150

Locked with The Airs of London 51

Challenge information

Broad, Shadowy 85

  • 59 - very chancy (41%)
  • 73 - chancy (51%)
  • 87 - modest (61%)
  • 101 - very modest (71%)
  • 115 - low-risk (81%)
  • 129 - straightforward (91%)
  • 142 - straightforward (100%)


Neat and tidy

Many of the Neath's plants defy pruning – they work too hard to bloom in this darkness to easily cede ground. [...] At length, and after a number of [...] subtle approaches, most of the dead matter is cleared. Your [Growth] now have more room for healthy growth.

Description summary:
The description's second sentence depends on Rooftop Growth:

GrowthSecond Sentence
1: Singular CuttingsThe saplings wriggle and writhe beneath the shears. Shoots coil around your arm.
2: 'Dawn-Yodeller' MandrakesThe mandrake erupts into soil-muffled ululations as you set about it with the shears.
4: Recusant MarigoldsYour marigolds flare with indignant heat as you approach with the shears, as if affronted at your daring.
6: Millennium RosesSome of the Millennium Roses' dried stems have turned to glass. Some leaves are razor sharp, and cut the shears back.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Rare Success


[…] Many of the Neath's plants defy pruning […]

Description summary:
Same as regular success, but there is a sentence at the beginning which changes if you have Singed and Stained Work Gloves.

Have it?First Sentence
NoYou make the sensible decision to borrow a pair of gardening gloves before you begin.
YesYou make the sensible decision to don your singed and stained work gloves first.

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[…] It doesn't matter how stealthily you approach, or how thoroughly you explain to them that pruning will benefit them in the long run, the stubborn thing simply will not let you finish your business.

Description summary:
Beginning varies based on Rooftop Growth:. There is an additional sentence at the end you have Singed and Stained Work Gloves.

Have it?First Sentence
yesEven with your work gloves, your hands take a battering.

[Find the rest of the story at]