Purchase a 'Coilheart Indulgence'

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The Coilheart Games or Fires and Sapphires

The urchin selling them is cheerful. "Similar to a season pass, 'cept shorter and with terms an' conditions. It'll let you in for the whole tournament, though!"

Game Instructions: If you do not have access, this will let you into the Labyrinth of Tigers for the duration of the event.

Unlocked with 2 x Sapphire

Locked with Coilheart Indulgence, Route: The Labyrinth of Tigers



The ticket is printed on vellum, and stamped with a single icon of a wide and lidless eye. Beneath it, something is written in one of the myriad languages of the Elder Continent. The urchin points at the script and nods sagely. "It says 'Admit One'."