Rowing Through Regrets
From Fallen London Wiki
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You're sitting across from the Boatman. He dips his oars. […] the shadowy depths brim with tentacles: petrified, perfectly still. There must be thousands. You're floating above a mass grave […] Occasionally, the Boatman has to push one away with an oar.
[Find the rest of the story at]
Unlocked with a redirect from Descend
Storylet appears in a slow boat passing a dark beach on a silent river
Row against the current
- Spoiler
Discuss the Youthful Naturalist
- Spoiler Unlocked with
Monastic Comprehension
Locked withWounds 7
Dead ringers
You've discussed the Boatman's replacement. (Removes
Monastic Comprehension)
An occurrence! Your 'Wounds' Quality is now 7 - Agony and Desperation!
You've gained 77 x Inkling of Identity
Discuss the Stone Tentacle-Key
- Spoiler Unlocked with
Organic Comprehension
Locked withWounds 7
Shame everlasting
You've discussed the Regret-Beyond-Death. (Removes
Organic Comprehension)
An occurrence! Your 'Wounds' Quality is now 7 - Agony and Desperation!
You've gained 1 x Withered Tentacle
Discuss the Bishop of St Fiacre's
- Spoiler Unlocked with
Temporal Comprehension
Locked withWounds 7
Bonded by common servitude
You've discussed the deal between the Boatman's 'twin' and the Bishop. (Removes
Temporal Comprehension)
An occurrence! Your 'Wounds' Quality is now 7 - Agony and Desperation!
You've gained 2 x Crystallised Curio
Discuss your Firkin of Hesperidean Cider
- Spoiler Unlocked with
1 x Firkin of Hesperidean Cider
Locked withMnemonic Comprehension 21,
Wounds 7
"The wrong place?"
You've discussed your place in the Boatman's book. (Sets
Mnemonic Comprehension to 30)
An occurrence! Your 'Wounds' Quality is now 7 - Agony and Desperation!
You've gained 1 x Book of Hidden Bodies
Discuss the River's course
- Spoiler Locked with
Monastic Comprehension,
Organic Comprehension,
Temporal Comprehension,
Wounds 7
"None can row forever."
The lights of Hunter's Keep; the bustle of Wolfstack. You are near to home. (You've moved to Home Waters)
Wounds is increasing… (+7 CP)
Troubled Waters is dropping… (-169 CP)
Storm settles. Stone brightens. Salt is nowhere to be found. (Sets
Associating with a Youthful Naturalist to 620 - Recuperate, contemplate, chat)
You've gained 1 x Elemental Secret
Redirects to: Aboard the Noble Garter