Menace Locations (Guide)

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This is a guide to the menace locations where you end up when either of the main menaces ( Wounds, Nightmares, Scandal or Suspicion) reaches 8. Upon reaching that, you will be transported to one of the following locations, once you're out of any current storylet you're doing.

Note that this guide is meant as a guide for navigating the locations and will not contain a comprehensive list of storylets unlocked through ambitions.

a slow boat passing a dark beach on a silent river (Wounds)[edit]

When you reach Wounds you'll end up on a slow boat passing a dark beach on a silent river. You will have several storylets available, and a special deck of cards. There are three ways to leave the location:

  • Once you reach Wounds 0, you will be instantly ejected.
  • Additionally, owners of Firkin of Hesperidean Cider may drink it in order to leave the location.
  • During HALLOWMAS there is a special card that allows you to escape with Wounds 5.

Storylets for reducing Wounds[edit]

There are several storylets to play while on the river.


Your opportunity deck while in this location will be filled with a wide swathe of red bordered cards that will reduce your Wounds by 1-2 CP for no action cost, assuming you have already used all your actions playing dice or chess. If you are close to getting out, it may be worth spending actions on red bordered cards rather than gambling. Having a Running Battle... or Fascinating... will each add a beneficial -2 CP Red Card to the deck.

Notable Red Cards

-2 CP Wounds
Card Requirements Notes
Recall glad times at the Singing Mandrake Persuasive 15
Recall scenes from Ladybones Road Watchful 15
Recall the noise and life of Spite Shadowy 15
Recall the rough camaraderie of Watchmaker's Hill Dangerous 15
Stare at the shore of the living world N/A +5 CP Approaching the Gates of the Garden (Up to 16)
Trail your fingers in the water N/A +5 CP Approaching the Gates of the Garden (Up to 16)
You remember the tomb-colonists, and shudder Renown: Tomb-Colonies 4 +5 CP Approaching the Gates of the Garden (Up to 16)
You've unfinished business in the world of the living (Fascinating) Fascinating...
You've unfinished business in the world of the living (Running Battle) Running Battle...
-1 CP Wounds
Card Requirements Notes
Recall the glitter of the Shuttered Palace Route: The Shuttered Palace
Remember the Flit Route: The Flit
Remember the Forgotten Quarter Route: The Forgotten Quarter
Remember the Regretful Soldier Acquaintance: the Regretful Soldier +1 CP Dangerous
Remember the Repentant Forger Acquaintance: the Repentant Forger +1 CP Persuasive

White Cards

The following cards are not recommended to play

Other Points of interest[edit]

Disgraced exile in the Tomb-Colonies (Scandal)[edit]

When you reach Scandal you'll end up a Disgraced exile in the Tomb-Colonies and gain Favours: Tomb-Colonies in the process. You will have several storylets available, and a special deck of cards. Once you reach Scandal 0, you can choose to leave.

As a special note, the Tomb-Colonies are an excellent place to gain Favours: Tomb-Colonies, though at the cost of having to spend many actions here to escape.

Many choices will be either Austere or Hedonist. Picking one will result in +3 CP (Up to Level 10) in that quality and unless noted, -3 CP in the other quality.

When you reach Scandal 0, you can choose to leave via Home: at last, transporting you back to your lodgings.

Leaving will cost 5 actions and you will gain 1 x Zee-Ztory and 1 x Memory of Distant Shores. Additionally if you have Austere or Hedonist above 10, you will have to halve the other quality. This option will affect the amount of Making Waves you receive upon leaving.

During HALLOWMAS, A repairer of reputations (Hallowmas) is available, allowing you to leave at Scandal 5.

Storylets for reducing Scandal[edit]


The Listing of all cards

Red Cards
There is only 1 red card to lower your menace. With friends like these... will decrease -1 CP Scandal at the cost of -5 CP Persuasive.

White Cards

Loss Quirk Card Option Result
-6 Lamentable tastes 'I persevered for hours. Hours!'
-3 - A Chilly Infestation 'A plan occured!'
-3 - The card gained from All Things Must End Both Options
-2 - The card gained from All Things Must End Both Options
-2 - A friend of sorts A contest of wits
-2 - A friend of sorts A contest of skill
-2 - Unexpected advances 'Naturally I refused her overtures'
-2 'I Met a Curious Creature.' ' I set myself the task of feeding it up...'
-2 '...I have attended a ball...' 'I spent the evening in a quiet corner'
-2 Remnants Ignore it
-2 - A Smuggler scorned Who was he again?
-2 - The construction of the 'Grand Sanatoria' '...mysteries I have chosen not to pursue'
-2 A moment of joy 'I restrained my appetites.'
-2 - An Unusual Remedy 'I did not press the matter'
-2 Among the dead An investment in self-control
-2 A letter from an old acquaintance - Artist 'I wrote a very professional reply.'
-2 A letter from an old acquaintance - Artist's Model 'I replied coolly.'
-2 A letter from the Comtessa's Father 'He is too kind.'
-2 - A letter from the Palace He has proven useful
-2 - A letter from the Palace He has proven himself a friend
-2 Causing a scene '...I returned it to him, politely.'
-2 - A Chilly Infestation 'So I suffered...'
-1 'I Met a Curious Creature.' '...but then, we are all maltreated here...'
-1 '...I have attended a ball...' 'I demonstrated all the latest dances...'
-1 Lamentable tastes 'I abandoned the endeavour'
-1 - A tiny square of paper... ...on the operations of the Law
-1 - A tiny square of paper... ...on underhanded means of battle
-1 - An unexplained disappearance Press the matter
-1 - An unexplained disappearance 'I took the hint...'
-1 - Visit an old friend Spend a long evening talking
-1 - Causing a scene '...I flung it into the fire.'
-1 - A Chilly Infestation 'So I chose to sleep without the candle...'
-1 - An Unusual Remedy 'I pressed the matter'
-1 - The construction of the 'Grand Sanatoria' 'How are they constructed?'
-1 Among the dead An investment in soaps
-1 Unorthodox technologies 'I politely rejected the gift'
-1 - Visit an old friend Assuage your guilt

Any cards or options not listed here will not reduce scandal, and may in fact increase it.

Gaining Favours[edit]

There are several cards that will gain you Favours: Tomb-Colonies.

Gaining Second Chances[edit]

There are several cards that give you opportunities for second chances.

Second Chance Gain
Quirk SC Card Option Requirements Result
A letter from an old acquaintance - Artist 'I wrote a very personal reply.' An Admirer of Art -
A letter from an old acquaintance - Artist's Model 'I replied fondly.' An Admirer of Beauty -
Unexpected advances 'Naturally I seized the opportunity to extend my experience' N/A
- A friend of sorts A contest of wits -
- A friend of sorts A contest of skill -
- A tiny square of paper... ...on the operations of the Law Vermin-free
- A tiny square of paper... ...on underhanded means of battle Vermin-free

Stories of note[edit]

New Newgate Prison - again (Suspicion)[edit]

When you reach Suspicion you'll end up in New Newgate Prison - again!. Reaching it in this way will raise A Criminal Record:. You will have several storylets available, and a special deck of cards. Once you reach Suspicion 0, you will be instantly ejected. Additionally there are other ways to escape prison, including a prison break.

Storylets for reducing Suspicion[edit]


The Listing of all cards

Red Cards
Here there is only 1 red card to lower your menace. Voice from the oubliette will decrease -1 CP Suspicion and gain you 2 x Appalling Secret

White Cards The talkative gaoler's nonfavor option and Starvation day are particularly bad cards, costing you stats with very little gain or suspicion loss. Avoid bad company on University of Crime also will lose you less suspicion than you would with any other choice.

Loss Card Option Check/
Pass Fail
-3 The Governor Having a little word
  • 40 
  • 2x 
  • -3 CP 
  • -2 
  • +1 CP 
  • -2 
-3 The Stuttering Fence Connections
  • 1 x 
  • -3 CP 
  • -1 
-2 Scratched on the wall Read it -
  • -2 CP 
  • 2-20 
  • +1 CP 
-2 Scratched on the wall Scratch a ribald ballad of your own
  • 60 
  • -2 CP 
  • +4 CP 
  • -1 CP 
-2 The Warden The Snuffer
  • 40 
  • -2 CP 
  • +1 
  • +1 
-1-2 A visit from a priest Admit nothing -
  • -1-2 CP 
-1 The talkative gaoler Listen to his woes -
  • -1 CP 
  • +5
  • -2 CP 
-1 The Stuttering Fence Look after him -
  • -1 CP 
-1 The screaming prisoner Ask around 2 Actions
  • -1 CP 
  • +1 
  • +1 
  • +1 CP 
-1 The screaming prisoner Keep your head down -
  • -1 CP 
-1 Start a brawl "Who among you would like some of this?!" 40 
  • -1 CP 
  • +5 CP 
+1 CP 
-1 University of Crime Avoid bad company 60% 
  • -1 CP 
-1 Starvation day Nothing to be done -
  • -1 CP 
  • -5 CP 
  • -5 CP 
  • -5 CP 
  • -5 CP 
  • +1 CP Wounds
  • Rare:
  • Only
  • -1 CP 

Any cards not mentioned here will not decrease suspicion, and may in fact increase it.

A Turncoat[edit]

If you are willing to burn criminal favours and gain A Turncoat, The talkative gaoler can get you out with A grass, as long as you have at least as many favours as you have remaining suspicion. This will consume all your favours, regardless of how much suspicion remains.

Suspicion and Favours: Criminals Needed: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
CP Loss/Favour 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4


When you reach Suspicion 0, The misty air of freedom! will autofire, transporting you back to your lodgings.


The even more daring escape![edit]

You need to obtain 3 items, and upon doing so you will have an autofire event to escape. Once the Prison Shiv is acquired, it will not be consumed, though the other 2 items will be. Escaping this way even grants you +5 CP Shadowy and clears your Suspicion.

Generally, this is a good strategy if you have high suspicion (5/6+) and you manage to draw The new cell. Gambling that you will draw this card is probably not going to be fruitful in most cases, however.

Other Actions of Note[edit]

Favours: Criminals can be gained through two ways.

Acquaintance: the Repentant Forger

Bat with Attitude/ Flowers for Peter

Commissioned to Enact Love's Revenge

Increasing Shadowy

Renown: Criminals 40 item:

  • The renown item from the crimnals can be found in prison. See Renown Items (Guide) for more info on this.

A state of some confusion (Nightmares)[edit]

When you reach Nightmares you'll end up on A state of some confusion. You will have several storylets available, and a special deck of cards. Once you reach Nightmares 0, you will be instantly ejected.

Storylets for reducing Nightmares[edit]

A word with the manager[edit]

By reaching Tracking down the Manager 5, you can have A word with the manager. Each option will reduce this quality by 15 CP, likely clearing it.


The Listing of all cards.

Your opportunity deck while in this location will be filled with a wide swathe of red bordered cards that will reduce your Nightmares by 1-3 CP for no action cost, assuming you have already used all your actions drinking or chatting. Many of the white bordered cards are useful as well.

Red Cards
All red cards are useful in the deck.

Nightmares Loss
Loss Nightmares Card Requirements Notes
-3 CP A white cat! 2
-1 CP A lizard of distinction 2 +5 CP Touched by Fingerwork (Up to 16)
-1 CP Ceiling cracks A Scholar of the Correspondence 3
-1 CP Skeins of blood A Bringer of Death
Tracking down the Manager Gain
Gain Tracking down the Manager Card Requirements Notes
+3 CP A fungal bloom
+1 CP A lizard of distinction 1
+1 CP A white cat! 1

White Cards

All other white cards either increase nightmares, or trade dream qualities for a decrease in nightmares and are not worth taking.

During Hallowmas, A friendly visage is available, allowing you to leave at Nightmares 5.


When you reach Nightmares 0, You are yourself again will autofire, transporting you back to your lodgings, losing you -5CP in all dreams, -4 x Memory of Light and gaining you +1-20 CP Watchful.

You can also Set fire to your mirror (11 FATE) on the card A plan occurs to go to the The Mirror-Marches.

Other Noteworthy Actions[edit]

The Mirror-Marches (Nightmares)[edit]

When you reach Nightmares, and you have either at least 1 x Memory of Light or Having Recurring Dreams: Is Someone There? 10 you'll end up in The Mirror-Marches. You will have several storylets available, and a special deck of cards. Once you reach Nightmares 0, you will be instantly ejected.

Storylets for reducing Nightmares[edit]

The storylets and cards within the Mirror Marches are gated based on your current level of Nightmares unlike in other menace locations.

The mirror-frames: These various mirrors provide -2 CP Nightmares reduction at the cost of increasing some other menace. Wear menace decreasing items in order to reduce the menace gain.

The seductive forest is available as long as you have Nightmares 5 and is a great way to reduce your Nightmares.

As long as you have at least Nightmares 3 you can explore The temple complex. This is not a great way of reducing nightmares, but it does allow you to easily increase your Walking the Falling Cities, Seeing through the Eyes of Icarus and Touched by Fingerwork.


The Listing of all cards.

Your opportunity deck while in this location will be filled with a wide swath of red bordered cards that will reduce your Nightmares by 1-3 CP for no action cost, assuming you have already used all your actions drinking or chatting. Many of the white bordered cards are useful as well.

Red Cards
Notable Red Cards:

Nightmares Loss
Loss Nightmares Card Requirements Notes
-5 CP A glimpse of silver Master Thief +5 CP Shadowy
-4 CP A glimpse of a tavern Route: Wolfstack Docks
-3 CP A black cat +2 CP Shadowy
-3 CP A spotted cat +4 CP Shadowy
-3 CP A striped cat +2 CP Persuasive
-3 CP A golden cat Watchful 48 +2 CP Watchful
-3 CP Night is falling +5 CP Touched by Fingerwork
-3 CP A glimpse of flowers Heartless 5 -1 CP Heartless
-3 CP A glimpse of debauchery
-3 CP A glimpse of a kiss Renown: Revolutionaries 5 +3 CP Hedonist (up to 10)
-3 CP A glimpse of a devil's tea-time Renown: Hell 10
-3 CP A glimpse of a church Renown: The Church 10
-3 CP A glimpse of a cat Renown: Urchins 5
-2 CP A glimpse of a clock A Bringer of Death +4 CP Dangerous
-2 CP A glimpse of a dressing-room An Annoyance to Jack-of-Smiles
-2 CP A glimpse of a sea Having Recurring Dreams: The Fire Sermon 10
-2 CP A glimpse of amber Renown: Rubbery Men 5
-2 CP A glimpse of a king Having Recurring Dreams: A Game of Chess 10
-1 CP A glimpse of brass Having Recurring Dreams: The Burial of the Dead 5

White Cards
The following cards are better your standard storylet options for reducing Nightmares

All other white cards either increase nightmares, or are worse than your storylet actions and are not worth taking for nightmare reductions.

During Hallowmas, A face in the mirror is available, allowing you to leave at Nightmares 5.


When you reach Nightmares 0, A familiar darkness will autofire, transporting you back to your lodgings. This will cost -1 x Memory of Light and -10 CP Having Recurring Dreams: Is Someone There?, and gains you +1 CP Wounds.

You can also leave to A state of some confusion at any time if you wish. You just need to take a Step through the mirror on A familiar scene?

Other Actions of note[edit]