Secure the Marigold Menagerie Keeper's help

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: The Keeper of the Marigold Menagerie

"I can come with you. But—" She glances towards the woods. "First, tell me how my animals are. Then I can leave with you."

Game Instructions: You may choose to return to the Mandolinist with 10 Moonlight, if you would prefer to avoid this step.

Unlocked with Hearing the Mandolin exactly 17, Observation: Fox, Observation: Grouse, Observation: Red Deer

Locked with Assisted by the Marigold Menagerie Keeper



[…]condition imposed by Hell when London requested my services[…] I never enter the woods once the moonlight was seeded." […]

[…]"They'll send someone to replace me[…]I'm very keen to see the prisoner. Perhaps even fulfill my Marigold oath."

[Find the rest of the story at]