Set out with the Manager to free the Sleeping Merchant from a shackled sleep

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The Resolution of a Debt

Action Cost: 0

He will need an intervention in Parabola in order to wake – but it would be very unwise to wake him before you have the funds to pay the debt.

Game Instructions: (With Started minting exactly 1) You have started minting your coins. Within 24 hours, the process will be complete, and you will be free to make payment.

Unlocked with The Efficient Commissioner's Tale 175-199, New-Minted Currency is: [type of currency], minted in quantity


Through the Royal Beth

"Our way is to the Gateless Garden," says the Manager. […]

He looks over your shoulder to the Efficient Commissioner. "You, ma'am, would be wise to stay behind," […]

[…] "I have come too far on this affair to allow myself to be left behind now. […]

Description summary:
The Manager has a mirror that will take you closer to the Creditor. He suggests to the Efficient Commissioner she should stay behind, citing dangers of Parabola. (He may be aware of her Nightmare). The Commissioner refuses, saying she has come too far on this journey, and taking her jaunt to Polythreme as an example of that. While talking about it, she states her open distaste of Polythreme, which greatly displeases the Manager.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Redirects to: The Way to the Gateless Garden