Something stirs under your skin

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From: Millicent's Parlour

A scar. A brand. A sign. A sentence.

Unlocked with Scar Under Skin exactly 1



She examines your hand clinically. The burn from the ember in your fireplace has left no mark. But she feels something under your skin; the shape of a sigil, traced with a finger. "Best not bring this one out; wouldn't want you to be burned."

Description summary:
The second paragraph changes depending on A Scholar of the Correspondence:

ScholarSecond Paragraph
0-9She gives you a piece of paper with a copy of the sigil, neatly folded seven times over.
10+She gives you a piece of paper with a copy of the sigil. It's not one that you recognise from your studies. The shape of one radical might suggest punishment, or guilt – but the overall sense is unclear.

[Find the rest of the story at]