Speak to contacts at the Brass Embassy

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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Missing Person: Find an Absconding Devil

It won't do your reputation any good, visiting the place. But it's their commission, after all.

Game Instructions: You can raise Renown: Hell at Mrs Plenty's Carnival.

Unlocked with Renown: Hell 5

Locked with Evidence in the Case of the Absconding Devil 2


The perfumed smoke of infernal cigarettes

"He was an odd one, yes. High-end soul-taker, but erratic. There was talk he was going native. […] But it made him unpopular. The sterner factions here will want you, and him, out of the way for good. So that should be fun! Lovely to see you. Lovely."

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Success Instructions: Raise On the Trail to 7 to continue the case.