Spiralling Deeper

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

Description summary:
The description changes with your Associating with a Youthful Naturalist level.

Who's with you?Description
HAL[…] you pass numerous doors […] Inside one, you glimpse the Shell of Regret suspended in a great glass tank […] brimming with luminous, golden fluid. […] the Unlikely Florist shuts the door […]

His […] Lordship smiles. "Right this way. To the archives. No detours."

Bishop[…] you pass numerous doors […] Inside one, you glimpse the Shell of Regret […] Tendrils float languidly, attached to the shell, but the Unlikely Florist shuts the door […]

The Bishop of St Fiacre's smiles. "Right this way. To the archives. No detours."

DetectiveAs you walk down the stairwell with your patron, […] you glimpse the Shell of Regret […] but the Unlikely Florist shuts the door […] before you can see any more.

The Implacable Detective clears her throat. "Right this way. To the archives. No detours."

No one[…] You pass numerous doors leading to other rooms as you descend. […] the Unlikely Florist shuts the door from the inside before you can see any more. You hear it lock.

So you've been noticed, after all. But she hasn't stopped you.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Unlocked with a redirect from any action at Revisiting Orchard House

Storylet appears in Ladybones Road


Search the secret archives for the file (with His Amused Lordship)
Search the secret archives for the file (with the Bishop of St Fiacre's)
Search the secret archives for the file (with the Implacable Detective)
Search the secret archives for the file (with no one)