St Stalactite of the Lesser Waterfall
From Fallen London Wiki
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[…] cavern with a pool fed by a small waterfall. An outflow stream snakes away into the darkness […]
Behind the waterfall, something moves. The monks fall to their knees. There is a sound: words, you are certain – but the falling water snatches them away.[Find the rest of the story at]
Unlocked with Progress of a Pilgrimage exactly 1
Storylet appears in The Shattered Citadel
This storylet autofires once all the prerequisites are met.
You cannot leave this storylet without playing any branches.
Perform the oblation of water
- Spoiler Unlocked with
St Stalactite's Favour
"Shall we continue?"
You've lost 1 x St Stalactite's Favour
Deeper into the stalactite... (Sets
Progress of a Pilgrimage to 2)
You have performed one of the saint's rites. (Sets
The Oblations of St Stalactite to 1)
You've gained 175 x Cryptic Clue
Redirects to: The Pilgrim's Path
Wait for the monks
- Spoiler
"Formless, like water, reaching for the deep."
You've gained 200 x Whispered Hint
Deeper into the stalactite... (Sets
Progress of a Pilgrimage to 2)
Redirects to: The Pilgrim's Path
Follow the Youthful Naturalist's pilgrimage
- Spoiler Unlocked with
St Stalactite's Favour,
Associating with a Youthful Naturalist 230-239
Locked withBesieged by Wax
The Rite of Water
The Youthful Naturalist has performed the first rite. (Sets
Associating with a Youthful Naturalist to 240 - Battle the Wax-Wind in the Shattered Citadel)
Deeper into the stalactite... (Sets
Progress of a Pilgrimage to 2)
You've lost 1 x St Stalactite's Favour
You've gained 1 x Emetic Revelation
A twist in your tale! You are now Besieged by Wax. (Increases
Besieged by Wax by 6 CP)
Redirects to: Battling the Wax-Wind