Stand back and watch

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Administering the Prester's Justice

You won't participate. Nor will you intervene.



Description summary:
The description varies depending on whether you have your Shattered Mask equipped.

0[...] Bone. Gristle. Blood. [...] his tongue is slipping [...] – pulled backward as the Prester's agents labour. [...]

They finally coax it out. It undulates like a pink slug.

[...] They will carry it into the captain's cabin. The Shrouded Captive will not blaspheme again.
1[...] Crime. Punishment. Cause. Effect. The Shrouded Captive bows his head. He will not heed his tongue. [...]

They place the tongue, [...] upon a silver plate. [...] The Masked Corsairs will bear the plate into the captain's cabin.

The penitent will not blaspheme again.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Redirects to: Aboard the Delight