Striped; Barred; Banded Together

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

Description summary:

Of Stripes, and CoilsDescription
210[…] intriguers of the Coilheart Games at your back, you run through each coil […] the exhibits are quiet […]

[…] you find tigers […] Striped Officiant leads […] They move to block your view of the vast double-doors that lead down to the Sixth Coil.

The doors are open […]
211The tremor passes, and tigers slip back into formation […]

They are nervous […] The Sixth Coil is open – early […]

"Upon my authority. Get out." The Striped Officiant surveys you, as if looking for someone in particular […] Where, in all this, is the Tiger Keeper?
212 - 213The Whispering Duellist looks as though she might attempt to force her way through the assembled tigers. The Diplomat-Engineer's knuckles are white. The Polymath has moved to stand safely behind her.
214 - 216Huffam puts a hand on your shoulder. […] More than anybody else, you know that his desire to learn the contents of the Sixth Coil is ironclad.

[…] "No use feeding the tigers here. Best we all go back topside, come to my office, and have a nice chat. Eh?"

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with redirect from Descend the coils


Bazaardoor teeth.png
Skid to a halt

Of Stripes, and Coils 211

Demand an explanation
Bazaardoor obsidian.png
Crane for a view of the Sixth Coil

Of Stripes, and Coils 212-213

Threaten to involve the authorities
Threaten to come back without the authorities
Promise to be back with the truth

Of Stripes, and Coils 214-216

Leave the Labyrinth
Attempt to force your way into the Sixth Coil