Submit to the Inconspicuous Clerk's Inquisition (Churchward/Orthodoxy)
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From: Churchward: The inquisition
He has a confessional, a list of all parishioners, and an infinity of patience.
Unlocked with Church: Orthodoxy >
Church: Iconoclasm
Locked with A Church in the Wild 50
At the Bishop's pleasure
"The Burrow Church is, I'm afraid, entirely orthodox. […]
"What does this mean for us?" The Reverend asks […] The Bishop rubs his chin. "Well, since you've done such a bang-up job here, I can make a case for your continued stewardship of the Church. […]Description summary:
The Church is found to be entirely acceptable to the Anglican Communion. Southwark is both annoyed that the church is the Church's problem, but also pleased to have a foothold closer to Hell.
[Find the rest of the story at]
The Burrow Church has rejoined the Anglican Communion! (Sets
A Church in the Wild to 50)