Suggest a Kettle of Pickled Liars' Tongues

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: De Gustibus in Whitsun

He hasn't requested it, but if one thing exemplifies 'exotic taste', it could be this.

Unlocked with 1 x Tiny Silver Kettle of Pickled Liar's Tongues


An outraged expression

"We don't practice anthropophagy at the Apicius Club. It's in the charter! Get that out of here! I won't have you blackening our name! Jenkins? Jenkins! See this [gendertitle] out!"

Rare Success

A shifty expression

"We don't practice anthropophagy at the Apicius Club. It's in the charter. But I do have these little friends... no, not those little friends. Never you mind. But on this particular occasion, I can remunerate you. Now hush."