Take her thieving

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Show the Honey-Sipping Heiress a Different Side to the World

There is nothing like the excitement of criminal activity. The pounding heart, the fluttering stomach – something that feels so much like the first flush of love can only help romance along.

Challenge information

Broad, Shadowy 15

  • 11 - very chancy (44%)
  • 13 - chancy (52%)
  • 16 - modest (64%)
  • 18 - very modest (72%)
  • 21 - low-risk (84%)
  • 23 - straightforward (92%)
  • 25 - straightforward (100%)


An undiscovered talent

You take the lady along on a […] burglary. Nothing too difficult […]. And she does wonderfully. Her slender fingers have a natural knack[…], and she treads as silently as a cat[…]. Afterwards, she flings her arms around you as you divide your spoils.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]


A lack of dedication

You take the lady along on a […] burglary. Nothing too difficult […]. She's perfectly capable […] but she does not apply herself. This is all just a joke to her, and her giggles wake a pistol-waving householder. You have to make a run for it […].

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]