Take him dipper catching
From Fallen London Wiki
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From: Share a Little of your Own Hobbies with the Diatomist
He's far too honest to enjoy pickpocketing himself. But he might get a thrill from acting as bait, and working to catch a thief red-handed.
Challenge information
- 11 - very chancy (44%)
- 13 - chancy (52%)
- 16 - modest (64%)
- 18 - very modest (72%)
- 21 - low-risk (84%)
- 23 - straightforward (92%)
- 25 - straightforward (100%)
An undiscovered talent
The Diatomist's slow stroll […] absentmindedly jingling the coins in his pocket […] soon has a pickpocket trailing behind. […]
The Diatomist […] starts wondering if there's a way to commemorate it on a slide. "[…] A comprehensible image would be a new challenge. […][Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]
Shadowy is increasing…
An occurrence! Your 'Enticement: Cloistered Diatomist' Quality is now 6 - Days of intense scrutiny; science and art as close as the two of you!
You've gained 7 x Proscribed Material
Alternative Success
An Undiscovered Talent
The Diatomist's slow stroll [...] absentmindedly jingling the coins in his pocket [...] soon has a pickpocket trailing behind. [...]
The Diatomist is so pleased with his own performance [...] way to commemorate it on a slide [...] displaying our brilliant efforts!"Shadowy is increasing…
An occurrence! Your 'Enticement: Cloistered Diatomist' Quality is now 6 - Days of intense scrutiny; science and art as close as the two of you!
You've gained 3 x Surface-Silk Scrap
Not a natural
[…] He tries far too hard. His ordinary clothes perfectly convey: 'gentleman carrying money upon his person', but he turns up wearing something better fitting a pantomime. His whispers to you are stage whispers. […]
You won't catch anyone this way. […][Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]
Shadowy is increasing…
An occurrence! Your 'Enticement: Cloistered Diatomist' Quality is now 2 - Tantalising a Diatomist!