Take stock of the standings (Science)

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: A Tournament of the Sciences: (Any Faction)

Action Cost: 0

How do things look in the engineering bays?

Unlocked with Science: The Story So Far ( Schedule + 1)


At a glance

It is difficult to determine how the race might go from simply wandering the bays. Each team is protective of their secrets; designs are obscured, or modular, or unclear.


Description summary:
The second paragraph varies based on which team is Currently in the Lead.

LeadSecond Paragraph
3?But the smells of pitch and polished timber reach you from the berths of the Koloman Republic. They appear confident enough in their abilities to spend time wandering [...]. The proof will come later [...] – but they appear the least-worried team here.
4But raucous shrieks and cackles reach you from the bays of the Grand Sanatoria. [...] Either they are making great progress [...] or they have forsaken the competition entirely in favour of an impromptu knees-up. They are certainly having the most fun; [...]

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]