Talk to the Last Constable (Devilment)

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: The Aftermath

Thanks to your efforts, she lived and he died.

Unlocked with Family and Law exactly 400, The Cheery Man and the Last Constable: Favouring the Constable, A Devilment with the Tankards : You have altered the placement of the tankards to influence the game's outcome

Locked with The Cheery Man's Fate


An abrupt departure.

The Last Constable gazes at her father's corpse […] She looks up at you, her face a livid mask of fury. "I checked the tankards. I hope to never see your sorry face again, you utter _____." She turns away, to have one last moment with her father.

[Find the rest of the story at]

  • Cheeryman2small.png The Cheery Man has perished in his final encounter with his daughter. (Sets The Cheery Man's Fate to 1)

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