The False Exceptional Rose

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

Description summary:
The description varies based on the levels of On the Scent of the Exceptional Rose

On the ScentDescription
5Mrs Plenty goes first, walking between crudely hung lanterns. They reveal a circular chamber, with a marble font constructed over what appears to be a spring. In the centre of this makeshift fountain is a rose of exceptional size, hue and scent. […]
6"Well," she says […] "You've seen it now. A genuine approximation of the genuine article […] Ain't it lovely? Especially if you look just the once and from a slight remove. […] People always wants to look deeper though. I suppose you'll be the same?"

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with a redirect from Look for the Exceptional Rose


Look at the Exceptional Rose
Tell Mrs Plenty that you've seen enough
Eye purple.png
Look closer