Tale of Terror!!

From Fallen London Wiki
Fidgeting Writer
E0.50 link=Tale of Terror alt= Tale of Terror!!
▾ 70% ▾ E 0.50: 1 x
E2.50 Sense of Déjà Vu
▾ 70% ▾ E 0.50: 1 x
E5.00 Glimpse of
Something Larger
▾ 70% ▾ E 1.00: 2 x
E12.50 Deal with a Devil
▾ 60% ▾ E 1.00: 2 x
E25.00 Room Number
at the Royal Beth
▾ 50% ▾ E 2.50: 1 x
E62.50 Last Hope of
a Fidgeting Writer
▾ 50% ▾ E 2.50: 1 x
E150.00 Lens of Black
▾ 50% ▾ E 2.50: 1 x
E312.50 Coruscating Soul
See also: Simulation/Calculator
T3 Cross-category item conversions: Tale of Terror!!
All conversions are 50:51. Conversions marked as ≈ produce 1-10 CP of Making Waves.
  Show conversions 
Economy: Mysteries (Notable Sources)
E0.01 Whispered Hint
▾▾▾ 500:200
E0.02 Cryptic Clue
▾▾▾ 50:7 or 500:70
E 0.30 | Rare: E 1.50
E0.10 / 2 / 2 Tantalising Possibility
E0.15 Appalling Secret
33:10 or 333:105
E 0.40 | Rare: E 12.50
33:10 or 333:105
E 0.40 | Rare: E 12.50
E0.50 Journal of Infamy
E 1.00 | Rare: E 25.00
E0.50 link=Tale of Terror alt= Tale of Terror!!
▾▾▾ 50:10
E 0.50≈≈ | Rare: E 25.00
E2.50 Extraordinary Implication
▾▾▾ 25:5
E 2.00≈≈ | Rare: E 62.50
E12.50 Uncanny Incunabulum

E12.50 Direful Reflection
250 / 250 Memory of a Stranger Self
E62.50 Searing Enigma
6,250 Baited Riddle
E312.50 Dreadful Surmise
E1,562.60 Impossible Theorem
E(2.50) Memory of a Lesser Self
250 / 250 Caustic Apocryphon
E312.50 / 6,250 / 6,250 Glimpse of Anathema
E- Memory Below the Firmament

For items with two conversion options, the
success given refers only to the first option.
Bulk options do not have additional benefits.

The blood freezes! The neck-hairs rise! The spine crackles with fear! The audience is spellbound!

Create this by using other Mysteries items in your inventory. Opportunities to acquire them will arise if you increase your connections to the Church, Hell, Revolutionaries and Rubbery Men. With a high shadowy you can also steal them in high-profile burglaries from the Flit.

See here for a list of how to obtain this item, or click here to show them.

It can be sold at the Bazaar:

Selling E 0.50 (no message)

It can be purchased from Crow-Crease Cryptics in The Rat Market, but cannot be sold there.

Buying 7

See here for a list of pages which use or require this item, or click here to show them.

See Mysteries Grinding (Guide) for information on grinding this item.

Spread your Tale of Terror

A thing of screaming sable nightmare. But can it be put to some purpose more dignified than frightening the servants?


Read out your Tales of Terror at a Summerset College Senior Common Room
Tell your Tales at the fireside
There's something familiar about this tale...
  •  Spoiler 
    Unlocked with 1 x Tale of Terror!!


    Challenge information

    A matter of luck: Pretty good odds (success chance: 70%)


    A slim, cheaply-produced volume

    Success Instructions: Use a Sense of Déjà Vu in your inventory to investigate further.


    This is driving you to distraction!
