The Laws of the Game

From Fallen London Wiki

“It ends with a goal. Who scored it, and how, are not important details. The part that gets spoken about afterwards is the rattle of the ball against the net, and that eternal second of silence before the roars start and the noise becomes an ocean.”

The Ardent Regulator is a Ministry Official with a daunting task: cataloguing and codifying the definitive rules of the game of football. But no two teams play exactly the same game. Venderbight United have come equipped with mallets. One of the Lavender House players is wearing a bee costume. And why do the No Names Club wear masks?

This is a FATE-locked story.

Author: Adam Dixon
Artist: Paul Arendt
Editing and QA: James Chew, Luke van den Barselaar

It was originally published as an Exceptional Story in July 2024.

The story can be unlocked from The Fate page for 45 FATE points.
It can be reset for 25 FATE points.

More information can be found here.

No notable rewards or tie-ins are recorded for this story.

Starting Storylet