The Results of the Emergence
From Fallen London Wiki
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[…] 'What is a frost-moth's relation to the human matter from which it emerges? […] My colleague consulted his notes from Cline. He has developed considerable skill in identifying persistence across species, although he still values my advice. […]'
[Find the rest of the story at]
Unlocked with redirects from On the Transmutation of Species
Storylet appears in disgraced exile in the Tomb-Colonies
'I advised him to release the frost-moth.'
- Spoiler
The Youthful Naturalist's cunning is increasing... (Increases
Naturalist's Cunning by 3 CP)
Next step: Parting ways, temporarily
'I suggested that his mentor should keep the frost-moth alive in captivity.'
- Spoiler
The Youthful Naturalist's malleability is increasing... (Increases
Naturalist's Malleability by 3 CP)
Next step: Parting ways, temporarily
'I recommended preserving its body as a specimen.'
- Spoiler
The Youthful Naturalist's acceptance is increasing... (Increases
Naturalist's Acceptance by 3 CP)
Next step: Parting ways, temporarily