The Shepherd's Wash

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

Description summary:
The description depends on your An Invitation to Sing in the High Places quality.

1He sits high in the gantries that cling to the Harpoon like lifeboats to a great ship. […] He does not rise as you approach, only smiles, the wrinkles around his three eyes deepening. "Stone bless you and keep you," he says, in his lilting voice, […].
2[…] "A terrible choice[…]. My kin or my friend. […]" […] "There are only poor choices up here. […]"

He shakes his head[…]. "I ask you here to learn more about you and prate on about myself instead." […] "I'm sure you must have had to do some hard things to get up here."

5[…] "I hope we understand each other a little better. We're from distant worlds, you and I." […] "I'm sorry that neither have been kind."

He draws up his panpipe. "Would you do me the courtesy of singing with me? Music breaches all distances, I've found."

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with An Invitation to Sing in the High Places 1-9

Locked with Firmament 201

Storylet appears in The Midnight Moon

An Invitation to Sing in the High Places 1

Greet him

An Invitation to Sing in the High Places 2

Speak of your own losses – and gains
Remind him of the hunt
Speak of loss and gain
Offer him comfort ( A Kitten-Sized Diamond, Liberated from the Mountain)
Offer him comfort ( A False-Star of your Own)
Tell him of your life

An Invitation to Sing in the High Places 5
