The Wayward Historian, at Last
From Fallen London Wiki
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You find him kneeling over a marked patch of ground, scraping dirt off something with a trowel. When he spots you, he claws the muddy object from the ground and hides it in a pocket. "You must be my rescue party," he says, nonchalantly.
Unlocked with A Route through the Moulin Waste exactly 10 (Carefully cross the fence),
Moulin: Distance Traversed 4
Locked with A Historian's Return
Card drawn in Far Beyond the Cordon
Occurs with Standard Frequency
Can not be discarded except by effects clearing your hand.
Return with him
- Spoiler
No resistance
You are returning to Moulin. (Sets
Moulin: Returning to 2)
The Historian is with you. (Sets
A Historian's Return to 1)
This branch clears your hand. (hidden)