The steamer trunk leaking silvery light

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The Coilheart Games Souvenir Barn

It looks large. And heavy. And it clanks when the Merchant nudges it.

Game Instructions: Luggage that increases your Glasswork skill.

Unlocked with 20 x Estival Token

Locked with Varchaasi Holdall


Truly, an awful idea.

The trunk […] jangles […] Light leaks out from within […] As you lift the lid, the light grows […] it is almost too bright to bear.

[…] the trunk's […] entire interior is lined with mirrors! Each mirror emits that same bleak and silvery light […]

[…] 'J.W Knightley, Inventor,' it reads. […]

[Find the rest of the story at]