This might be faster... Track them to their nests

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: Destroy an Infestation of Sorrow-Spiders

They're wary of lamplight and fiendishly cunning. But you might be able to work out where a nest is from their movements.

Challenge information

Broad, Watchful 25

  • 18 - very chancy (43%)
  • 22 - chancy (52%)
  • 26 - modest (62%)
  • 30 - very modest (72%)
  • 34 - low-risk (81%)
  • 38 - straightforward (91%)
  • 42 - straightforward (100%)



Here, beneath the mouldering floorboards. You pour hot wax through the holes. There may be more nests...

Rare Success

There's more to this...

[…] The rhythm of the sorrow-spiders' whisperings is the same as the muttering of that blind beggar outside!

[…] how many other infestations like this one are no accident, and how many other ragged beggars are whispering significantly near them...

Description summary:
You put your ear to the floorboards and listen to the spiders. They seem to warn the beggar outside, who vanishes down an alley. A chipped relic is left in his bowl, and in the building most of the spiders scuttle away.

[Find the rest of the story at]


No luck

A sorrow-spider can squeeze through a hole the size of a plum, disappearing in an instant. They're maddeningly difficult to track.