Trade your documents with London's Ambassador 3

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: After a Heist: The Trade in Secrets

The more the Ambassador knows of Arbor's history, the better they can negotiate its current politics.

Game Instructions: You will gain Presbyterate Passphrases, a Favour in High Places and Vital Intelligence.

Unlocked with Purloined Paperwork exactly 3


Slow progress

The Ambassador's official address is modest, though the decor is tasteful and there is a permanent catering staff. The Ministry for Public Decency argued that, as the Ambassador's residence should be in Arbor, expense should be spared.


Description summary:
The second paragraph changes depending on who is An Ambassador to Arbor.

AmbassadorSecond Paragraph
Duchess2.png DuchessThe Duchess looks at your document, "Ah," she says. "History." She does not sound terribly excited. "How novel." Still, she rewards you handsomely for your efforts, and assures you she will find some use for the information.
Widow.png Gracious WidowThe Gracious Widow meets you in a dimly lit room. You can barely make out the movement of her hands as she turns pages. "This is not in itself proof. This is a fraction." Her speech is clipped. […] "I will remember this. And you will be rewarded." […]
Sailor2.png Injurious Princess[…] "I don't see what concern this is of mine." She sighs. "I suppose I shall have to finish it to find out; I shouldn't disregard any tool if it might bring me influence. Anything that will get me back to Vesture." […] she ensures you are well compensated […]
Electioncontrarian.png Jovial ContrarianThe Jovial Contrarian […] snatches up your document with unseemly haste. […] "It's not everything," he says at last. "But it brings me a little closer to making up my mind." Is that disappointment in his tone? It does not affect his reward, if so.
Mansionbalcony.png YouIt is, possibly, breaking the ambassadorial code of conduct to steal information for yourself, but your staff isn't up to the job. You'll make use of it […], but for now, remuneration for your efforts. What the Ambassador owns is yours, after all.

[Find the rest of the story at]