Try a different approach

From Fallen London Wiki
A player-created Guide is available for this content: Fascinating (Guide)
A player-created Guide is available for this content: The Tale of the Clay Highwayman (Guide)

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From: Among the Marauders

Perhaps your assumed identity will allow you to get close to him.

Game Instructions: A romantic entanglement with the Clay Highwayman will give you another path to advance his story, but it is not required.

Unlocked with Fascinating... 5

Locked with A Game with the Clay Highwayman


A crack in the façade

It's not hard to find a moment alone with the Clay Highwayman – he's often by himself, and is much too polite to actually send you away. You barge in and strike up a conversation; fill a teacup. [...] Can a clay face blush?

Success Instructions: Opportunity cards in the camp will progress this story.