Wander the sideshows (Body)

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: A Tournament of the Body: (Any Faction)

Action Cost: 0

Smaller contests – official and unsanctioned – thrive in the shadows of the venue.

Unlocked with Body: The Story So Far 2


Physical matters

Description summary:
The description varies based on the Airs of the Games.

1-18A Lion from Caution flexes in a bodybuilding competition. An entrant from Anthe glitters with crystalline muscles, [...] alternate interpretation of what it means to build one's body. A Clay Man watches [...]. "IF WE ALTER OURSELVES, WE ARE CALLED UNFINISHED."
19-36A Lithe Tiger is just pipped to the finish line of this contest of agility. At the last moment, both a Spite alley-cat and a Nimble Pontificator from the Empire of Hands pass him by [...]. The cat and the ape [...] celebrate from a safe distance
37-54The presence of a tattooists' duel in this tournament is a controversial one. "It should have been in the Tournament of Imagination," says a Belligerent Licentiate. "No," replies a Painted Courier, "it should have been Intellect."
55-72This is not a sanctioned bout at all! What appears at first to be a respectable skirmish following the Venderbight rules of pugilism is, in fact, nothing but a back-alley brawl. And people are betting on it! For shame.
73-90Smiths and armourers compete in contests of blades and metals [...]. How best to hurt a body; how best to protect one. Crowds applaud when a blade punctures plate and beds itself in the meat beneath. The project of war, presented as a carnival game.
91-100"Of course they'd finish with combat," opines a passer-by. "They want to end with glory. Who'd stand against a tiger?"

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

  • Amphitheatresmall.png Crowds cheer. Rivals clash. The Coilheart Games continue apace. [Airs of the Games change…] (random)