Wander the sideshows (Intellect)

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: A Tournament of the Intellect: (Any Faction)

Action Cost: 0

Smaller contests – official and unsanctioned – thrive in the shadows of the venue.

Unlocked with Intellect: The Story So Far 2


The life of the mind

Description summary:
The description varies based on the Airs of the Games.

1-18Over here [...] is a contest of [...] debate. Entrants from Codex and Whither have fled rather than deal with [...] the philosophers from the Square of Lofty Words [...]. The judges are seriously debating awarding the win to the Jovial Contrarian, who has not shown up at all.
19-36They say there is a contest of riddles going on here somewhere. You ask where it is being held, but nobody will give you a straight answer.
37-54A Pallid Archivist [...] butts heads with a Rutilant Philosopher [...]. This appears to be a contest of logic [...]; the Philosopher lambasts the Archivist for [...] appeals to history, while the Archivist accuses the Philosopher of rank solipsism. The crowd thins – rapidly.
55-72F.F. Gebrandt is a judge in the 'contest alchemical', which takes place upon a gazebo-shaped patch of singed grass. It appears that a tobacconist from Rosegate is responsible [...]. Gebrandt – waving away smoke – appraises him from a safe distance.
73-90An unofficial contest of biology is drawing a significant crowd. A Chelonite Monster-Hunter initially draws admiring noises with her peligin eyes, but [...] the competition [...] descend into [...] one-upmanship between some Starved Visitors and [...] courageous Rubbery Men.
91-100There is much to-do about the choice of chess for the main aspect of the Tournament. "Well, it makes sense," says a Fastidious Clerk. "It is a game of war; of tactics." [...] His cufflinks gleam like mirror-shards. "Tigers are a pragmatic people, is all."

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

  • Amphitheatresmall.png Crowds cheer. Rivals clash. The Coilheart Games continue apace. [Airs of the Games change…] (random)