Wander the sideshows (Science)

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: A Tournament of the Sciences: (Any Faction)

Action Cost: 0

Smaller contests – official and unsanctioned – thrive in the shadows of the riverbend.

Unlocked with Science: The Story So Far ( Schedule + 1)


The advancement of learning

Description summary:
The description varies based on the Airs of the Games.

1-18Here is a contest of proofs, fought on chalkboards and in the laboratories of the mind. It has drawn a sizeable crowd of tigers. "Now this is science," one purrs. "Not all that awful industrial clamour."
19-36A family of Rattus faber demonstrate a new recipe for gunpowder before […] intrigued investors, pirates, and hopefuls in the upcoming Tournament of the Body. This does not appear to be part of a competition; the rats are simply canny businessrodents.
37-54Cavies from Pigmote demonstrate advances in the field of rodent ballistics. Chelonate hunters lead seminars on Unterzee biology, complete with specimens. […] As always, practical demonstrations prove the most popular.
55-72A tracklayer from the GHR complains about the main event of the tournament. "If this were land racing," she says, "there'd be no stopping us. But there's not enough time to lay track into the water." Her fellows raise their glasses in agreement. […]
73-90[…] Benthic confronts an equal-and-opposite flock from Summerset, after their head-to-head lecture series results in no clear winner. Each academic's field is so comically specialised that no-one […] is adequately knowledgeable […] to render judgement.
91-100What use have tigers for science? A Flowerdene Drunkard dares to pose this question within earshot of an Armoured Veteran, a tiger in gleaming plate. […] She raises a paw before the frozen drunkard […] "We must always remain on the cutting edge," she chuffs.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

  • Amphitheatresmall.png Crowds cheer. Rivals clash. The Coilheart Games continue apace. [Airs of the Games change…] (random)