Watch the final matches

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: A Tournament of the Intellect: Final Judgement

You have procured opera glasses and a very comfortable cushion for your back.

Unlocked with Intellect: Currently in the Lead is Tigers (World Quality, now available) (The final matches are underway.)


A bold finale

The […] Assistant puts up a brave fight[…]. But she falls one pawn short[…].

The Polymath's […] manoeuvres […] surprise opponents – until they do not. […]

The […] Enthusiast […] deploying […] lamp-cats […] the judges enforce a new policy: no pets allowed.

In the end, […] the […] Mastermind triumphs.


Description summary:
The Patient Mastermind defeats the Sun-Kissed Polymath in the final match of the Tournament. They seem pleased with their victory – until they realise its consequences.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Redirects to: A Tournament of the Intellect: To the Victor, the Spoils