Watch the judging

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: A Tournament of the Imagination: Final Judgement

You have armed yourself with a bag of Rubbery Lumps and a set of opera glasses.

Unlocked with Imagination: Currently in the Lead is Planetary Society for the Advancement of the Arts (World Quality, now available) (Judging is underway.)


A bold finale


[…] the judges award victory to […] the 'Cosmic Unity for the Progression of Aesthetics'[…]

[…] Actors wear golden masks; the backdrop depicts the Bazaar[…] Lines are said in stage-whisper, […] no actor ever turns to face another […] the judges […] all give it high marks for something, […]

Description summary:
The Eagle Clan submits a life-sized sculptural tableau of the animal kingdom, ruled by – yes – the eagle. The bird is carved with great attention, leaving the other animals noticeably rough-edged.

The Kolomanians present a traditional[citation needed] dance, the 'quaturva', which impresses the judges, if with its vigour alone.

The Court's submission is an enormous impressionistic depiction of the Viric Jungle, with all the menaces lurking within.

Finally, the Bohemian delegation, having changed its name at eleventh hour, presents an avant-garde play titled 'The Heart is the Heart is the Heart.' The judges don't quite know what to make of it. But they all agree it's the best thing they've seen this tournament.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Redirects to: A Tournament of the Imagination: to the Victor, the Spoils