'The one who has traced their hand through the poisoned waters'
From Fallen London Wiki
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Spoiler warning! This page contains details about Fallen London Actions. |
From: The Business of a Licentiate
It takes some time to put the pieces together, but it seems you are to poison a poisoner.
Unlocked with Airs of Industry 40 - 60,
Discovered: The Sere Palace
Challenge information
- 123 - very chancy (41%)
- 153 - chancy (51%)
- 183 - modest (61%)
- 213 - very modest (71%)
- 244 - low-risk (81%)
- 273 - straightforward (91%)
- 300 - straightforward (100%)
Narrow, Kataleptic Toxicology 4 (50% base)
- 0 - almost impossible (10%)
- 1 - high-risk (20%)
- 2 - high-risk (30%)
- 3 - tough (40%)
- 4 - very chancy (50%)
- 5 - chancy (60%)
- 6 - modest (70%)
- 7 - very modest (80%)
- 8 - low-risk (90%)
- 9 and above - straightforward (100%)
[…] They flail, catch you with […] their barbed ring. A […] chill blooms in your chest […] You keep them pinned […] while mixing the antivenin […]
They have a clawfoot tub […] with acrid water from the […] mirror. You tip them in, and make sure that nothing comes out.[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]
Dangerous is increasing…
[Airs of Industry change…] (random)
You've gained 410 x Approximate Value of Outstanding Invoices in Pennies
You've gained 1 x Mysterious Client Attention Odds (hidden)
Depending on Mysterious Client Attention Odds:
An interested party has made a request on your skills. (Sets
Attracting the Attention of a Mysterious Client to 1)
[...] They turn suddenly and clap you lightly on the shoulder.
Your legs give out [...]
You grab the leg of a nearby table and pull, [...] what makes your target hesitate is not the pyrotechnics – it's their sheer dismay at the waste of good ingredients. [...]Dangerous is increasing…
Wounds is increasing… (+2 CP)
[Airs of Industry change…] (random)
You've gained 200 x Approximate Value of Outstanding Invoices in Pennies
- Pages Without Guide Restrictions
- Airs of Industry
- Discovered: The Sere Palace
- Dangerous Challenge
- Kataleptic Toxicology Challenge
- Actions
- Airs of Industry Gain
- Approximate Value of Outstanding Invoices in Pennies Gain
- Mysterious Client Attention Odds Gain
- Mysterious Client Attention Odds
- Mysterious Client Attention Odds Formula Uses
- Attracting the Attention of a Mysterious Client Gain
- Wounds Gain