Add your voice to the calls for rescue

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Unease and Humbled Pleas

Was the putative point of the Coilheart Games not to celebrate the Neath? The previous tributes do not deserve their fate. And you will not stand for their imprisonment to continue.


A way forward

[...] The assembled victors call for a rescue [...]. Even Huffam gets a good 'hear, hear' in. [...]

"In that case, we shall aid you. It is the honourable thing. And I suspect that to accomplish this goal, the problem of the Keeper will still need to be overcome. [...]
  • Estivaltigersmall.png The spirit of these Coilheart Games was to celebrate the Neath. You'll not leave part of it trapped. (Sets Of Stripes, and Coils to 265 - The Sixth Coil is blockaded by tigers. Find out why)

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