Affect disinterest

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: A Tournament on the Horizon

A grand and unknown event may be taking over the city – but it will not drag you in its wake. You have things to do. Probably.



You are above such things […] it can't hurt if people think that you are, […]

What is happening? Who is coming? What does it mean? And, above all, what could possibly be contained within the Sixth Coil to be worth all of this vast and extravagant expense? […]

[Find the rest of the story at]

Success Instructions: The Games will begin, in time. Until then, Mr Huffam may have diversions for you – and the tigers are busy in the Labyrinth, preparing.

  • Questionsmall.png A living story will begin soon. (Activates an unknown Living story; this message is not displayed.)