A player-created Guide is available for this content: Ambition: Bag a Legend (Guide) |
Spoiler warning! This page contains details about Fallen London Actions. |
The Waswood is full of things that used to be: lost correspondence, childhood treasures […] Liturgical vestments from the worship of dead gods.
Nothing that has come here will ever return. Don't step on the shore.[Find the rest of the story at]
Unlocked with a redirect from Recognise Veils of the Third City or Draw close to Veils of the Third City
Storylet appears in The Waswood
Kill Veils of the Third City
- Spoiler Unlocked with
Armed with the Jaguar Blade - Armed with a Jaguar Blade,
Traces of Veils of the Third City exactly 3
Your Jaguar Blade has ceased to exist in the here and now. (Removes
Armed with the Jaguar Blade)
You've gained 1 x Royal-Blue Feather
You have eliminated one of the Vakes you had to destroy. (Lowers
Remaining Incarnations of the Vake by 1)
You've gained 1 x Severed Chimaerical Head of the Vake
You have vanquished Veils of the Third City. (Removes
Traces of Veils of the Third City)
Redirects to: Emerge from the Waswood
Kill Veils of the Third City
- Spoiler Unlocked with
Traces of Veils of the Third City exactly 3
Locked withArmed with the Jaguar Blade
Wrong time
Success Instructions: You will need a different weapon for this enemy. You can research it at your Laboratory.
Redirects to: Emerge from the Waswood
Take Vengeance on Veils of the Third City
- Spoiler Unlocked with
Armed with the Jaguar Blade - Armed with the Jaguar Blade Wailing with Hunger,
Traces of Veils of the Third City exactly 3
The Betrayer
Your Jaguar Blade has ceased to exist in the here and now. (Removes all
Armed with the Jaguar Blade)
You have eliminated one of the Vakes you had to destroy. (Lowers
Remaining Incarnations of the Vake by 1 x)
Your inventory of Vake Heads is expanding. (Gives 1 x
Severed Chimaerical Head of the Vake)
You have vanquished Veils of the Third City. (Removes all
Traces of Veils of the Third City)
Redirects to: Emerge from the Waswood
Capture Third City Veils
- Spoiler Unlocked with
Armed with the Jaguar Blade - Armed with a Jaguar Blade, Armed with the Jaguar Blade Wailing with Hunger,
Remaining Incarnations of the Vake exactly 1,
Traces of Veils of the Third City exactly 3,
Willingness to Spare Some Aspect of the Vake 1 - 9
The last of it
Success Instructions: You have seen to the last manifestation of the Vake. Return to London and to the Department of Menace Eradication to register your success.
Your Jaguar Blade has ceased to exist in the here and now. (Removes
Armed with the Jaguar Blade)
You have eliminated the last form of the Vake. (Removes
Remaining Incarnations of the Vake)
You've gained 1 x Royal-Blue Feather
You have vanquished Veils of the Third City. (Removes
Traces of Veils of the Third City)
You are accompanied by Veils of the Third City. (Sets
Accompanied by an Aspect of Mr Veils to 10 - Veils of the Third City)
Redirects to: Emerge from the Waswood
Go, and return later
- Spoiler Unlocked with
Traces of Veils of the Third City 2
Leaving the past here for the present
Redirects to: Emerge from the Waswood
Not this place
- Spoiler