Ambition Nemesis – The Auctioneer on King Charles Street.
This article is a disambiguation page for Ambition Nemesis – The Auctioneer on King Charles Street.
The following is a list of links to pages that share the same title. Hopefully, the page you were looking for is listed below. If not, try using the search function. If an internal link led you here, you may want to adjust that link to point directly to the intended article. |
Ambition Nemesis – The Auctioneer on King Charles Street. 1 (With
Ambition: Nemesis 180-181)
- Spoiler Storylet appears in
Your Lodgings
Unlocked with a redirect from Contact the Sanguine Auctioneer or Return to the Sanguine AuctioneerOptions:
Announce yourself
- Spoiler Unlocked with
Ambition: Nemesis exactly 180
A grand welcome
An occurrence! Your 'Ambition: Nemesis' Quality is now 181 - Continue preparing your revenge. You can get back to this story later from Your Lodgings!
Redirects to: Ambition Nemesis – The Auctioneer on King Charles Street. 1
- Spoiler
Greet the Auctioneer
- Spoiler Unlocked with
Ambition: Nemesis exactly 181
A roaring greeting
An occurrence! Your 'Ambition: Nemesis' Quality is now 182 - Continue preparing your revenge. You can get back to this story later from Your Lodgings!
Redirects to: Ambition Nemesis – The Auctioneer on King Charles Street. 2
- Spoiler
Ambition Nemesis – The Auctioneer on King Charles Street. 2 (With
Ambition: Nemesis 182-183)
- Spoiler Storylet appears in
Your Lodgings
Unlocked with a redirect from Greet the Auctioneer or Return to the Sanguine AuctioneerOptions:
Charm the Sanguine Auctioneer
- Spoiler Unlocked with
Ambition: Nemesis exactly 182
An occurrence! Your 'Ambition: Nemesis' Quality is now 183 - Continue preparing your revenge. You can get back to this story later from Your Lodgings!
Redirects to: Ambition Nemesis – The Auctioneer on King Charles Street. 2
- Spoiler
Make the Sanguine Auctioneer take you to the Spires Collection
- Spoiler Unlocked with
Ambition: Nemesis exactly 182,
Forceful 3
A point made
An occurrence! Your 'Ambition: Nemesis' Quality is now 184 - Continue preparing your revenge. You can get back to this story later from Your Lodgings!
Forceful is increasing… (+5 CP)
Magnanimous is dropping… (-5 CP)
Redirects to: Ambition Nemesis – The Auctioneer on King Charles Street. 3
- Spoiler
Prove your credentials
- Spoiler Unlocked with
Ambition: Nemesis exactly 183,
3 x Personal Recommendation
Suspicions allayed
An occurrence! Your 'Ambition: Nemesis' Quality is now 184 - Continue preparing your revenge. You can get back to this story later from Your Lodgings!
You've lost 3 x Personal Recommendation
Redirects to: Ambition Nemesis – The Auctioneer on King Charles Street. 3
- Spoiler
Ambition Nemesis – The Auctioneer on King Charles Street. 3 (With
Ambition: Nemesis 184)
- Spoiler Storylet appears in
Your Lodgings
Unlocked with a redirect from Make the Sanguine Auctioneer take you to the Spires Collection, Prove your credentials or Return to the Sanguine AuctioneerOptions:
Follow the Sanguine Auctioneer
- Spoiler Unlocked with
Ambition: Nemesis exactly 184
The Collection
An occurrence! Your 'Ambition: Nemesis' Quality is now 185 - Continue preparing your revenge. You can get back to this story later from Your Lodgings!
Redirects to: Ambition Nemesis – The Auctioneer on King Charles Street. 4
- Spoiler
Ambition Nemesis – The Auctioneer on King Charles Street. 4 (With
Ambition: Nemesis 185-187)
- Spoiler Storylet appears in
Your Lodgings
Unlocked with a redirect from Follow the Sanguine Auctioneer or Return to the Sanguine AuctioneerOptions:
Examine the books
- Spoiler Unlocked with
Ambition: Nemesis exactly 185
The last act of a glittering career
An occurrence! Your 'Ambition: Nemesis' Quality is now 186 - Continue preparing your revenge. You can get back to this story later from Your Lodgings!
Redirects to: Ambition Nemesis – The Auctioneer on King Charles Street. 4
- Spoiler
Question the Auctioneer
- Spoiler Unlocked with
Ambition: Nemesis 185-186
A catalogue
Redirects to: Ambition Nemesis – The Auctioneer on King Charles Street. 4
- Spoiler
Search for mirrors
- Spoiler Unlocked with
Ambition: Nemesis exactly 186
Reflection's edge
An occurrence! Your 'Ambition: Nemesis' Quality is now 187 - Continue preparing your revenge. You can get back to this story later from Your Lodgings!
Redirects to: Ambition Nemesis – The Auctioneer on King Charles Street. 4
- Spoiler
Leave the Auctioneer
- Spoiler Unlocked with
Ambition: Nemesis exactly 187
An end
An occurrence! Your 'Ambition: Nemesis' Quality is now 190 - Continue preparing your revenge. You can get back to this story later from Your Lodgings!
- Spoiler