
From Fallen London Wiki

The Thirsty Croupier lays out a tarot card. "Sometimes the cards are esoteric. Sometimes they're not. Looks like you, doesn't it? And here you are."

Airag from the Year of the Tortoise is notoriously expensive, but it pales in comparison to the Year of the Serpent. Nobody can afford it. It has not even finished fermenting yet; it exists only as a commodity for the future. If the Thirsty Croupier can be believed, it exists in your future. When will the legendary airag be ready to drink? Are the rumours about its ingredients true? Consult the cards. Interpret the spread. Taste a delicacy that does not yet exist.

This is a FATE-locked story.

Author: Chandler Groover
Artist: Paul Arendt
Editing and QA: Luke van den Barselaar

It was originally published as an Exceptional Story in August 2024.

The story can be unlocked from Exceptional Friendship for 45 FATE points.
It can be reset for 25 FATE points.

More information can be found here.

Notable Rewards and Tie-ins

Starting Storylet