Behind the Skin of the World

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

Description summary:
Description varies with Firmament level.

115The end nears; you have the tome […] Now you must only read it. Read a text that has been carved from the world […] "Other books," the Forlorn Shepherd says […] He stands, abruptly, waving away the Last Duchess […] "Do not wait for me […] he turns, back into the labyrinth.
120The text, heavy, bound in whaleskin, rests upon the wooden lectern. It is warm to the touch, despite the wet rubberiness of the texture. All it wants is to be read. Why will you not give it what its leather-bound heart desires?

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with a redirect from Read the Symmetry of the Deep Zee and the Sky


Follow the Shepherd
Leave him
Open the book