Blast your (growth) with light

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From: Vertiginous Horticulture

The import of sunlight into London is, of course, frightfully illegal. But there are other means of illumination.

Unlocked with Nurturing a Rooftop Growth 1 - 150, Rooftop Growth, Light Preference: Sunlight, The Airs of London 51-75

Challenge information

Broad, Shadowy 75

  • 52 - very chancy (41%)
  • 64 - chancy (51%)
  • 77 - modest (61%)
  • 89 - very modest (71%)
  • 102 - low-risk (81%)
  • 114 - straightforward (91%)
  • 125 - straightforward (100%)


Precipitous illumination

[…] a nearby attic with an open window contains an Augmented Electrostatic Machine [...]. Once liberated to the rooftop, and used in concert with a plethora of lamps, candles and flares [Text], you are able to well and truly bathe the [Growth] in light.

Description summary:
The beginning of the description varies with Rooftop Growth. The final sentence has extra text if you have Augmented Electrostatic Machine.

2: 'Dawn-Yodeller' MandrakesMandrakes are hardy, but they prefer to be in sunlight. Among the delightful properties of this 'Dawn-Yodeller' breed is that their cries become louder and less harmonious the brighter the light.
6: Millennium RosesIf these roses truly are from the garden-palaces of the College of Mortality, nestled at the base of the Mountain of Light, then they are used to a great deal of illumination indeed.
Have it?Text
Yes(as well as your own electrostatic machine, lugged roofwards with great personal effort)

[Find the rest of the story at]

Rare Success

The chains of illumination

[...] Once liberated to the rooftop, and used in concert with a plethora of lamps, candles and flares [Text], you are able to well and truly bathe the [Growth] in light. [...]

Description summary:
The description and variant text are largely the same as regular success. The end of the paragraph has extra text depending on Colour at the Chessboard.

Colour at the ChessboardText
Red, NoneIt is almost blinding, and with the light comes the intense feeling being watched.
BlackThere are those revolutionaries who might call such activities a foul betrayal of your core ideals – but the plants can't help what they need. Yet.
WhiteThe scouring brightness feels right. It feels orderly. So illuminated, the work before you is clear.

[Find the rest of the story at]


The finer points of horticultural science

Your efforts [...] are [...] interrupted by the [...] Horticulturist, [...] to explain [...] photosynthesis is "a myth promulgated by [...] Surface florists." She claims [...] growth [...] is inhibited [...] by "miasmatic airs" [...] counteracted [...] through "gentle persuasion and the application of suitable punishment [...]."