Everlastingwonder's blog posts

From Fallen London Wiki
Mobile site issues
(created by Everlastingwonder on 19:54, 26 February 2021)
I use the wiki on my phone a lot, and the mobile version of the site is kind of a pain to use. Specifically, Template:Options displays strangely because the Success and Failure headers it generates are recognized as collapsible settings, but not the actual option title. This makes pages hard to […]
Spoiler template usage
(created by Everlastingwonder on 07:22, 26 February 2021)
I've noticed that some of the top-level page templates (e.g. Template:Action) use Template:Spoiler at the top, while others just have text that reads SPOILERS AHEAD! BE WARNED! Is this potentially worth standardizing? It looks like only a few templates would actually need to be changed.