Capture a new exhibit

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The third coil

She's not a magician or a cat-chaser. She's probably therefore a union supporter or someone who looked twice at a tiger. She's making a mistake visiting the labyrinth, in any case.

Challenge information

Broad, Dangerous 106

  • 73 - very chancy (41%)
  • 91 - chancy (51%)
  • 108 - modest (61%)
  • 126 - very modest (71%)
  • 144 - low-risk (81%)
  • 161 - straightforward (91%)
  • 177 - straightforward (100%)


Not quite brained

[…]She […] grasps a loose half-brick from a crumbling wall nearby and hurls it at your head. Fortunately, it is your hat rather than your head that takes a crease. A few tigers […aid you], and together you corner the woman and claim the bounty.

[Find the rest of the story at]



She sees you coming, and grasps your intent immediately. She also grasps a loose half-brick from a crumbling wall nearby and hurls it at your head. She's got a good aim. When you can see again, she's gone.