Category:Antique Mystery Gain
From Fallen London Wiki
(Redirected from Category:Antique Mystery Sources)
- Steal an Antique Mystery from Feducci in the Flit; costs at least 32 Casing points
- Use your Trade Secret to gain ...something else. Gains 5 Mysteries.
- Discuss matters with the Travel-Worn Antiquarian and his guest and gain 5 Mysteries at a cost of one Favours: Tomb-Colonies and 25 Presbyterate Passphrases
- Discuss your scraps with the Salty Fabulist and hope for a Rare Success
Actions which give out Antique Mystery.
For a list of uses (cards/storylets it unlocks, and actions requiring it), see Category:Antique Mystery.
Pages in category "Antique Mystery Gain"
The following 54 pages are in this category, out of 54 total.