Claim the box from Hell

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Materials and Materiel

Action Cost: 0

A 'diplomatic gift.' Sometimes it moves. But, reassuringly, it's too small to contain some kind of vicious cat.

Game Instructions: This will gain you an Eyeless Skull and a little extra. You can only do this a certain number of times.

Unlocked with London's Overtures: Hell is 100000 (World Quality, now available), The State of the Emergency is 5 (World Quality, now locked) Service to London 4000

Locked with The Eyes Have Them 10 (hidden)



Officials and diplomats who deal with Hell are used to strange infernal ideas about what constitutes generosity. This is, by standards of Hell, a very handsome gift indeed. Though the choice of packing material is, to say the least, very curious.