Consider the Youthful Naturalist's progress

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From: Battling the Wax-Wind

Action Cost: 0

How can you aid him in his mission to study the Gospel of Change?

Unlocked with Associating with a Youthful Naturalist 230


On the pilgrim's road

[…] His journey, this time, is his alone. You cannot help him understand the Gospel. But you can[…] curry favour with the saint, providing the Naturalist with the chance to meditate.

And you can contend with the wax before it stops his pilgrimage entirely.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Success Instructions: In order to study the Gospel of Change, the Youthful Naturalist will need to perform seven rites with St Stalactite. Battle the Wax-Wind to reduce Besieged by Wax to 0, and then travel the Pilgrim's Path to meet the Naturalist at each station. With enough St Stalactite's Favour, the saint may condescend to guide him through the rites. If you overtake the Naturalist, you will need to complete a pilgrimage and meet him once more at his current station.

He is currently meditating with (see below).

AssociatingSt Stalactite form
230St Stalactite of the Lesser Waterfall
240St Stalactite the Albatross-Eaten
250St Stalactite of the Riven Way
260St Stalactite of the Broken Jaw
270St Stalactite of the Halocline
280St Stalactite the Hendiadic
290St Stalactite of the Utmost Aven