Deliver a panoply of stories to the lacre pools

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From: A Sundered Sea

Love. Loss. Longing. A river of it. An ocean of it.

Game Instructions: This will give you a Sample of Lacreous Affection.

Unlocked with Putting the Pieces Together: the Taste of Lacre 5, 1 x Captivating Ballad, 5 x Emetic Revelation, 25 x Touching Love Story, 125 x Vision of the Surface


Just for a moment

You lay your head beneath the curving rim of a lacre-pool [...] In the dark warm silence, you disgorge stories.


You dig deeper, stranger, darker.


[...] there is no clear signal of receipt [...] Maybe there's a suggestion of acceptance, approval even, in the air.

Redirects to: A Sundered Sea