Divine the needs of your (growth)

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From: Vertiginous Horticulture

The True Horticultural Society keep no manuals or textbooks on the rooftops. But they can point you in the direction of a townhouse with a well-stocked bookshelf and a penchant for open windows.

Description summary:
The title varies with Rooftop Growth.

Rooftop Growth:Growth
1: Singular Cuttingssingular cuttings
2: 'Dawn-Yodeller' Mandrakesmandrakes
3: Prize-Winning Peppercapspeppercaps
4: Recusant Marigoldsmarigolds
5: False-Cantigaster Hybridspoisonous hybrids
6: Millennium Rosesjewelled roses
7: Tomorrowspore Ortcapsortcaps

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Unlocked with Rooftop Growth: 1-7

Locked with Nurturing a Rooftop Growth

Challenge information

Broad, Shadowy 65

  • 45 - very chancy (41%)
  • 56 - chancy (51%)
  • 67 - modest (61%)
  • 77 - very modest (71%)
  • 88 - low-risk (81%)
  • 99 - straightforward (91%)
  • 109 - straightforward (100%)

Each point of Rooftop Growth, Difficulty: increases the base difficulty by 5 points.


The science of cultivation

You slip through an open window and consult the first horticultural manual you find – [Manual] [...]. Take extensive notes, lest you forget any of the details.

Description summary:
The title of the horticultural manual varies with The Airs of London, while the description for the entry on your specimen varies with Rooftop Growth. Wiki note: Numbers unaccounted for: 0

1 - 20Hallmyer's Flora Speluncarum
21 - 40Palt's Unterzee Florilegium.
41 - 60Leiber's Practical Guide to Subterranean Agriculture
61 - 70Bishop's Notes on a Sunless Garden.
71 - 100Selwyn's Encyclopaedia of Personally Interesting Observations, Volume CCXIV: Concerning Green Things.
Rooftop Growth:Description
1 - Singular CuttingsThe entry [...] is short and inconsistent. [...] each specimen is [...] idiosyncratic. [...] there are some commonalities. You chosen project [...] thrives in the shade and grows better if tended to by a 'person of unusual talent'. No gloss is offered for this latter descriptor.
2 - 'Dawn-Yodeller' MandrakesThe entry [...] is long, and concerned largely with how to get the bl__dy things to shut up. You chosen project seems to be a plant that thrives in direct sunlight, specifically bred after the Fall to function as a replacement for the dawn chorus.
3 - Prize-Winning PeppercapsThe entry for Prize-Winning Peppercaps has been annotated by the owner. 'Do they become a different species if they fail to win a prize?' You chosen project seems to be a fungus that thrives in complete darkness. [...] seems to be very competitive.
4 - Recusant MarigoldsWhere the page concerning Recusant Marigolds should be, there is instead a paper-thin sheet of glass. [...] – there are words etched upon it. You chosen project seems to be a plant that thrives in the shade and flourishes around the white walls of Hell.
5 - False-Cantigaster HybridsThe entry [...] has been heavily redacted by at least three Ministries, as well as the Department for Parks and Game. [...] You chosen project seems to be a fungus that thrives in the shade. That's not the only reason to keep them in the shadows – they are [...] illegal.
6 - Millennium RosesThere is no entry for Millennium Roses[...], just a handwritten scrap of paper folded into the back cover. 'From the Continent – a myth?' [...] You chosen project seems to be a plant that thrives in direct sunlight, if it is not simply an elaborate hoax.
7 - Tomorrowspore OrtcapsThe entry on Ortcaps is riddled with spelling errors, and – atypically – dated. It must be an error; that date hasn't happened yet. You [...] project seems to be a fungus that thrives in complete darkness and feeds on the stray memories of its caretakers.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Rare Success

The science of cultivation


Description summary:
The first paragraph is the same as the regular success. The second paragraph depends on if you have Cryptobotanical Rosette.

Have it?Description
NoBack out the window once you're done. You notice a verdant green rosette, framed on the wall in pride of place. The owner here must be a fierce botanist.
YesYou notice a familiar rosette framed on the wall as you leave – the owner is a fellow champion of the Tournament of Lilies!

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]



[...] Leiber's Practical Guide to Subterranean Agriculture— wait, you're reading the wrong edition. This is [...] riddled with errors inserted by a spiteful former lover who [...] happened to be the editor-in-chief of the London Agronomical Review. [...]

[...] time to scarper.