Enjoy the certainty that your vengeance bought

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The Rewards of Ambition

The score has been settled, and Mr Cups is no more. The Bazaar tries to keep it a secret, but you know the truth. It is information you make use of, on occasion.

Game Instructions: This will grant a mix of rewards and reduce your Nightmares.

Unlocked with Ambition: Nemesis 4300 - 4500



When you walk the streets you can see the sigils of your story ablaze – […] – on the skin of the Bazaar. To your eye, they are as piercing as the Pole Star.


Description summary:
The colour of the sigils varies based on the story you chose to tell to Lilac. The second paragraph varies based on The Airs of London.[1]

StorySigil Colour
4300 (A partial tale, about revenge satisfied)red and raging
4400 (The full story, of how vengeance allows no rest)silver and savage
4500 (Another story, not of vengeance but of loss) 3blue and grieving

Wiki note: Numbers unaccounted for: 1, 17 – 19, 39, 78 – 79

AirsSecond Paragraph
2 - 16Today, one of the Relickers saw you coming and hastily crossed the street rather than cross your path. You have become an object of dreaded suspicion to them. It's quite satisfying.
20 - 38Occasionally, the Bazaar emits another mournful, unanswered chime. The Gazette speculates furiously on what it means. The remaining Masters are silent.
40 - 59Seated in your favourite chair, you recall the last moments of Mr Cups, as it was dragged into the dreams of the dead. How is it doing there, you wonder. You raise a glass of sherry to the empty room, and indulge in a biscuit.
60 - 77You hear that […] last week, Mr Wines snapped at a meeting with a representative of the Morelways mushroom-fields. Reports say he threw a goblet into a mirror, breaking it, and stormed out shouting "There are only so many duties our shoulders can bear!"
80 - 100You dreamed last night that you were back in the Beggar's Wake. The wide moor stretched around you. The wisps of stars trembled above. And a wind howled like a hungry wolf. But it was only a dream.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

  1. Note: the text is based on the new Airs value, after it is randomized.