Fingers Both Light and Green

From Fallen London Wiki
A player-created Guide is available for this content: Vertiginous Horticulture (Guide)

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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

Description summary:
The description depends on your Engaged in Rooftop Horticulture quality.

Engaged in Rooftop HorticultureDescription
0You are welcome, now, among the criminals, […] of the Flit. […] But there are some rooftop regulars who […] treat you with suspicion […]

They wear sturdy gloves, and wield shears […] They possess the […] stares of those who will not be denied their pleasures. They are gardeners.

1Upon the sagging rooftop […] is a Sneering Horticulturalist […]

"I'm testing if melody can aid growth, […] Although I suspect with this music the answer will always be no. […] I assume you're here because you have an interest in the horticultural. So: impress me."

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with A Name Whispered in Darkness 4

Locked with Engaged in Rooftop Horticulture 2

Storylet appears in The Flit


Approach a gardener for information
Tell her of your Singular Plant
Present a cryptobotanical rosette
Remind her of your past acquaintance
Steal hallowmas.png
Lift a seed packet from her pocket